Sewing Pattern Hacks

Sewing pattern hacks can make them go farther to save you some money. And extend your creativity to make even more sewing projects. This is particularly valuable if you have a pattern you like that fits well and you like making. Or if it's an expensive sewing pattern but if it can be broken down into different components, the cost can be worth it. 

Start looking at the drawing of the garment and try to suss out the pattern components. Here’s an example using my lion overalls pattern but you can apply these to many childrens sewing patterns and for adult patterns as well. 


You can see the component of the waistband, short and pants lengths as well as the top. These pieces can all be broken down and added to to make many more options. 
Here's few ideas to get you started:

From overalls to pants and shorts: 

Using the waistband and the longer length, you can add a nelastic to the waist to make pants. In this case cut 2 of each of the front and back waistband sewing pattern pieces to make a waistband with a front and back. Leave a little gap to insert your elastic and you have a whole new look. 

Do the same with the shorter option to make a sew of shorts with an elastic waistband. 

Now let's turn it into a girls dress pattern:


Follow the pattern to make the top but instead of making pants, you can either use another dress or skirt sewing pattern that you have. Or use an existing piece of clothing to take measurements from, add seam allowance and draft your own skirt pieces from.

The skirt can also be shortened to a little peplum to the top to make a sweet summer look. 

Lastly, let's make suspender shorts:

Using the straps and shorts length we are going to make suspender shorts. First, make the short with the elastic waistband as described above. Let's add on the straps, make them longer to cover the child's front to back with a criss cross. You can sew them into the back waistband. For the front you can make a small tap with a buttonhole to attach them. 

Expand your sewing:

Hopefully these ideas get your started on ways to hack your sewing patterns really work for you and get the most out of each one. 

Do you have any experience hacking your sewing patterns? Love to see what you make. Happy sewing! 

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